Sunday, February 5, 2012

Workshop - Spinning & Needle Felting

The Fyber Cafe Spinning and Needle Felting workshop was held at Vera's, she had several friends from Grants Pass that joined us too. We started by examining and feeling up different types of fibers, wool, llama, alpaca, mohair, silk, angora rabbit, and others. We discussed their characteristics, advantages, and dyeing. I had brought a bunch of drop spindles, and we spent the morning trying to get the hang of using them to spin yarn. Most of the ladies had a hard time getting the feel of it, but several caught on to the technique. A few wanted to try the spinning wheels, and Pat got the hang of it, but most were just frustrated with the whole mess. They decided it wasn't for them, but I just wanted them to get the concept, of the twisting fibers, and the different types of fibers available. We were too busy laughing and being frustrated to take any photos. After a wonderful potluck lunch, we cleared the dining table and dumped all the fibers on it to play with the needle felters. We had a beautiful assortment of colorful fibers and they tempted us into the process. Mostly we used hand felters, either as a group in a handle, or individual needles. We used felt as the background, and added lots of textured yarns. Corienne had brought a big bag of thrums from her weaving that we all pawed through, and took a variety to play with. Again, a colorful assortment was fun to try, but by coordinating the colors, and adding texture,in a controlled way, we got better results. We all really enjoyed the process, it was fun and relaxing, and we each made several small samples to work with. We were envisioning glasses cases, small purses, or pin cushions. I thought I would add beads and shells to one of mine and just put it into a picture frame. We discussed the merits of machine quilting over the felting, and all agreed that beading would spice it up. We never did play with the felting machines several of us had brought, and we did not play with the silk ribbon, chiffon scarves or polyesters either.

Photos- Vera and Corienne, Peggy, Amy's felted piece, Supplies, Busy hands

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